
Mazda 6 car insurance groups range from 16 to 31

Mazda 6 car insurance groups, models range from the cheapest to insure in group 16 to the most expensive to insure in group 31.
Mazda logo List of Mazda 6 car insurance groups...
Mazda 6 SE-L Nav+ insurance group 20 to 23
Mazda 6 SE insurance group 18 to 21
Mazda 6 SE-L insurance group 16 to 19
Mazda 6 SE-L Lux Nav+ insurance group 22 to 26
Mazda 6 Sport Nav+ insurance group 22 to 31
Mazda 6 GT Sport Nav+ insurance group 26 to 29
Mazda 6 Sport insurance group 19 to 23

Date modified 2019-10-22